kembung perempuan bahasa Inggris
- kembung: bloated; gripes; flatulency; flatulence;
- perempuan: woman; dame; female; she; baby; bag; old bag;
- kembung: bloated; gripes; flatulency; flatulence; egotistic; rounded; intestinal colic; swollen; swollen-headed; puffed up; colic; bloat; gas; conceited; egotistical; vain; griping; sticking out; hyperbolic;
- PMS, excess sodium, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, gas, lactose intolerance, a high fat diet and birth control pills are all causes of bloating in women.
PMS, kelebihan natrium, Fluktuasi hormonal, kehamilan, gas, intoleransi laktosa, diet tinggi lemak dan pil adalah semua penyebab kembung perempuan.